About Joan

Joan Davis has been exploring the nature of creativity, particularly from a body based perspective, for over 50 years. She pioneered contemporary dance in Ireland in the 70s & 80s and has experimented with collaborative art as a professional artist and therapist.
From 1996, when she moved to Wicklow, she developed the arts practice and performance offerings of Maya Lila and more recently 'Garden as Gallery'.
Joan is a Body-Mind Centering® Practitioner, has studied Authentic Movement with Janet Adler, and Voice Work with Chloe Goodchild and Rajeswar Bhattacharya.
She continues to study developmental processes as well as embryology and early infant trauma. She has extensively studied Process Oriented Psychology (Mindell) and is a Hakomi Sensorimotor Trauma Psychotherapist.
She has undertaken trainings in Dynamic Attachment Repair Experiences (DARE) with Dr. Diane Poole Heller in Europe. She continues her studies with trainings in HANDLE a holistic approach to neuro developmental healing and repatterning. Joan completed her training as a teacher of the Discipline of Authentic Movement, with Julia Gombos as supervising teacher of her work, over a period of six years.
In 2013, Mary Wycherley, a dance filmmaker based in Limerick, Ireland, was funded to make a film of the work of Maya Lila. This film, called ‘In the Bell’s Shadow’ has been screened nationally and internationally since it premiered in 2015.
Joan has three children and four grandsons.